Hello, Samurai Mindsters! I’ve attached many vacuums to my time lately. I am still a high school teacher. I am a Librarian in Training (LIT!). I also believe I am the parent of two little girls.
I keep a samurai mind notebook to remind me of great ideas but I also incorporate another practice to be physically reminded of great books and ideas. As I come across great ideas of books and videos, I check my library to see if they have it and put the items on reserve. Most libraries now make it easy to see which materials they have through online catalog and reserve systems. It usually takes a while to actually receive the item, and I am notified by email when it arrives in my local branch.
Then I have a physical reminder of that inspirational idea. Either I skim the book or view the video, or if I really like it, I fall into it. The idea becomes a part of my physical reality. The library reserve can become a physical spaced repetition system.
I made my first video for my graduate work at Syracuse University’s School Media Specialist program. (Note: I need to get a better microphone and background. Enjoy my first foray into SamuraiTube!
Marilyn Arnone said:
For your first foray into SamuraiTube, you did pretty darn well, Juan. This is a great concept for a library tips series. You have a resonant voice for this, too!