5 minutes, flow, letting go, self-help, zen habits, zen mind
Samurai Book Review/Preview: 禅、シンプル生活のすすめ or Zen: Suggestions for Simple Living by Shunnmyo Masuno

Half the fun/learning is just browsing. It wasn’t until I got home that I realized the book was Zen based. (I read everything but the biggest kanji on the cover.)
I am going back to the roots of Samurai Mind Online. When I began this blog I was inspired by Japanese self-help writers as way to learn how to use my mind better while learning Japanese . I was browsing through a Numazu bookstore and found a nice little pocket sized book. It was until I got home that I actually noticed the biggest kanji on the cover and realized it was a Zen based book. Samurai score!
I am enjoying just reading the chapter titles. The chapters are bite-sized but I haven’t gotten around to reading the innards. There are some great hints for leading a powerful, simple life. Here are a few of my faves. As always, take my translations with a dash of soy sauce. Use it for your life or for your sentence sampling if you are studying Japanese.
- 十五分、早起きしてみるーーTry waking up fifteen minutes earlier.
- 朝の空気をしっかり、味わうーーReally take in the morning air.
- 脱いだ靴を整えるーーWhen you take off your shoes, arrange them neatly
- いらない物を捨てるーーGet rid of things that you don’t need
- デスクの上整える^^Arrange your desk neatly (uh-oh)
- 一杯のコーヒ^を丁寧に淹れる–Serve Up Your Coffee Mindfully
- 食事をおろそかにしないーーDon’t neglect your meals
- 食事では、一口ごとに箸を置くTake Only One Bite-Full with Your Chopsticks
- 好きな言葉を探す^^Search for Words That You Really Like
- 持物を減らすーーReduce the Amount of Stuff You Carry Around
- ベランダに小さいな庭をつくるーーCreate a Small Garden on Your Veranda
- 自分の手で自然に触れるーーTouch Nature With Your Hands
- 寝る前は嫌いなことを考えないーーDon’t Think About Negative Things Before You Go to Sleep
- 今できることを一生懸命にやるーーDo everything you are doing now with gusto
- ときには、考えるをやめてみるーーTry to Stop Thinking Every Now and Then
- 起こっていないことで悩みないーーDon’t Worry About Things That Haven’t Happened Yet
- 仕事を楽しむーーEnjoy your work
- 悩むより動くーーMovement is better than worry
- 人と比べないーーDon’t Compare Yourself to (Other) People
- 平凡な一日こそ、感謝するーーBe Grateful for the Average, Every Day Things in Life

This book didn’t make my browsing cut but I like the message. I think the title is something like ‘Nothing is Pointless.’ More Buddhist self-help, please!
Of course, this all brings me to the question: Is Zen Zen because its Japanese or are the Japanese Japanese because of Zen? The answer is probably yes.
Will all of this help you? I don’ know. I do know my mother in-law is thrilled I neatly arranged the shoes. 🙂