Summer, for me, is grinding to a halt as I prepare to teach. I will still be posting but maybe not at my summer rate. Please check old posts, add comments, and contribute to the conversation. For today, I thought I would scour through 情報が10倍になるNLP速読術 BY Naoya Matsushima. (soy sauce translation: Get Ten Times More Information Through the NLP Speed Reading Method) for ideas that I like and that maybe you would find useful.
For those of you studying Japanese, you get the added bonus of some sample sentences to throw into your arsenal. (Watch out, though, these are my translations so check with a native speakers. Please feel free to tweak and comment. Buy or borrow the book and speed read it if you are interested.) Other readers, have fun, and let us know if you have any feedback on Matsushima’s suggestions.
- Change your mental programming about your learning abilities. (in the next chapter) 学習効率葉「脳のプログラム」次第で変わる
- You can always speed read, regardless of where you are and how much time you feel you have. 場所や時間を気にせず、速読ができる!
- Cancel the ‘Negative Mode’ that gets in the way of you learning rate! 学習効率を悪くする『ネガティブ−モード」を解除する
- Happy feelings change your studying results. 『楽しいという」が学習結果を変える。
- Your heart (mind) and body are closely connected. 心と体は密接につながている。(Be nice to both of them. Just sayin’)
- Do deep breathing exercises to increase your results. 効果的な呼吸法を身につける。
- Set a clear goal for why you are reading a book. 本を読む目的を明確にする
- Feel free to take the best, meaty part of the tuna. (Feel free to take the best of what you read). マグロはトロだけ食えばいい
- Throw out the information you don’t need. 「いらない情報」を徹底して捨てる
- Just changing your image about your learning environment can increase your results. 学習環境のイメージを変えるだけ成果が上がる (he also suggests this is a great idea for your workplace…)
- Feel free to arrange all the reading methods like you want.
If you are in school or not this fall, have a great “semester.” Enjoy your samurai mind and stay in charge. Charge!
Rachel said:
I'm going to have to try and implement some of these tips! I'm in law school right now, so most of my time is eaten up by homework and article writing, but there are still books I want to read…. I'll try skimming/scanning to see what I get out of Russia: A Short History 😀
taijuando said:
Thanks for commenting Rachel. I'm pretty time starved myself but it's good to get the bones or the "fatty tuna" of what you are reading. It's seems much easier to to do with nonfiction. Whoever came up with that title has a good sense of humor.
Parvaneh said:
The sentence "set a clear goal for why you are reading a book" took my imagination. I always knew that for every thing I should plan a result, but not for reading a book. I like that. Also changing the image of learning environment was beautiful.
Thanks for sharing this.
taijuando said:
Thank you. Your comment also reminded me to keep doing that as well!