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Happiness, breathing, bowling. It worked for me one amazing night. Photo from Jim at http://www.unprofound.com/viewpic.php?pic=bowler.jpg&photographer=jim#

I haven’t gone bowling in years, but three weeks ago I was back at it, funny shoes and all.  I think I’ve played mini-golf more times than I’ve gone bowling, and that isn’t saying much.

I only played two games.  The first game, I was getting used to bowling again.   I kept experimenting with different balls.   I went for the pink gum light gum balls and tried bowling with that.   I kept noticing my buddies next to me getting strikes and having a great old time.   I hung my head in shame and then just kept trying.  I kept trying different balls and adjusting my technique.  I got a heavier ball and got a strike towards the end of the game.  I think I got an 85–not an impressive score.

However, towards the end of the game, I made a few interesting choices in addition to getting the heavier ball.   I modeled the form that the more successful players were using–something like my foot ending up on the other side of my body.  I also made the decision to breathe and, as hokey as this is going to sound, I made the decision to love the moment.   I made the decision to be happy holding the ball, seeing where the pins were, releasing the ball, and staying connected even after I released the ball.

The results were shockingly fun.  Almost every frame I played a spare or a strike.   At one point, I got three strikes in a row.   I surprised myself by being able to pick off single pins.  Each time it was my turn, I made the decision again:  have fun with this moment, connect, love.  I ended up the game with 200.

Maybe creativity flow can happen like this, a balance between concentration, focus on technique, while breathing and letting go. Photograph from Jim at http://bit.ly/UChtLh

I didn’t know that this was a big deal, except for the big video display.   Then guys came up and said, “Wow, how did you do that?”  A couple guys explained that they have been bowling regularly and have never gotten to 200.

I could end this little post with some big lesson.  In fact, as I wrote this, Steve Chandler’s 100 Ways to Create Wealth came up on my samurai shuffle.   His wealth tip #29 is:  “Learn to Keep Breathing.”

However, for now, I’m not going to further dissect that moment.  My only hope is that I can have more of those moments, and that others can have more of those moments in bowling, serving others, the earth and all other sorts of silly games.