“Man reading should be intensely alive. The book should be like a ball of light in one’s hand.” Ezra “Could I Getta” Pound

One study hack I enjoy is just reading the table of contents. It reinforces positive information I want to have or it’s a nice review of a book I’ve already skimmed. Easier to read on a fast moving train, too. Writer’s Room mug in the background. 🙂
Let’s warp this already awesome quote and make it more politically correct: “Samurai reading should be intensely alive. The book should be like a ball of CRACK in one’s hand.” Of course by crack I am referring to my patented 🙂 method called Crevice Reading Acquiring Cool Knowledge. This method involves taking advantage of little crevices in time to read books to have fun, increase your skills, and in the process save the earth. There are no “rules” in CRACK reading but there are some general principles:
- the book should be fun. If it’s not, choose something else.
- you don’t need to read cover to cover. Read the back first. Re-read. Savor the flavor.
- use “time pressure” of reading in small windows of time to turn reading into a game
- repeat
CRACK reading works on several levels. Repeated exposure to a language or a skill takes advantage of both short term and long term memory. It also helps maintain and sustain momentum. And most importantly, life is short why not enjoy it by surfing all the great skills, ideas, and silliness your mind can surf?
Now, here is where you can take CRACK to the newest heights: HYBRIDIZE it! This works especially well if you are trying to learn a foreign language. For example, the author of Study Hacks! suggests that his Japanese readers learn English by reading the great English books about accounting.

If you make the happiness decision then maybe you can experience more creativity in your life. Self-loathing and criticism aren’t going to help you. CRACK will. My Japanese guitar books. Learning through love. Trying to make the happy decisions. Two birds with one CRACK.
Let’s say you’ve done something silly like make New Year’s resolutions. You want to learn Japanese and you want to learn Japanese. Get your little hands on a fun little guitar book and carry that around (or copy pages of it). Pull it out and enjoy it whenever you have a minute. Remember, it’s always a good time for CRACK. You understand Japanese/Spanish/German/Serbo-Croatian? You don’t even understand the letters? Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Admire how cool they are. Move on. Have fun. Remember: if it’s not CRACK, it’s whack! Hybridize, enjoy, have fun, and enjoy the year of the CRACK!
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